Julius Wolff Institute
Berlin Institute of Health at Charité
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Augustenburger Platz 1
D-13353 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 450 559 048
Editors of OrthoLoad
Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Damm
Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Dymke
Email: web(at)
Liability exclusion
The editors of the OrthoLoad data base and all their co-workers apply the required and necessary care to make the OrthoLoad data base as user-friendly and secure as possible, in order to uphold the integrity of the contained data. We don’t accept any liability or provide any guarantee in connection with the use of the data. We are not liable for any direct or indirect losses or damage of any kind, which may arise through the use of this data.
All brand marks and trademarks specified on this website and possibly subject to third-party protective rights are governed by the provisions of the respectively applicable trademark law and the proprietary rights of the respective registered owners.
Responsibility for external links
Despite careful monitoring, we are not liable for the contents of external links. We have no influence on the current and future contents of linked web pages. We hereby explicitly distance ourselves from all changes in content performed after establishment of the respective link. The operators of linked web pages bear exclusive responsibility for their contents.
For all non-commercial applications you are allowed to use the videos, screen shots of the videos, or numerical data if you reference the data base as described in menu ‘Infos‘ => ‘Legal Matters & Acknowledgments‘. You are also allowed to use clipping of this material, for example only the picture of a force/moment-time diagram or a picture of the force vectors in the frontal plane. You are not allowed to change the original content of any material.
If any graphical or numerical data is to be used in a commercial product, permission of the editors of OrthoLoad, is required.
See information to Privacy Policy