New book chapter published on the subject of sport after shoulder joint replacement surgery
G. Pap and P. Damm
Sportfähigkeit nach Schulterendoprothese
AE Manual der Endoprothetik, 2025
ISBN 978-3-662-55485-2
G. Pap and P. Damm
Sportfähigkeit nach Schulterendoprothese
AE Manual der Endoprothetik, 2025
ISBN 978-3-662-55485-2
Johns J., Bender A, Glitsch U, Schmidt-Bleek L, Dymke J, Brandl C., Damm P & Heinrich K
Reconstruction of occluded pelvis markers during marker-based motion capture with industrial exoskeletons
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering; DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2024.2350592
Brandl C., Bender A., Schmachtenberg T., Dymke J., Damm P.
Comparing risk assessment methods for work-related musculoskeletal disorders with in vivo joint loads during manual materials handling
Scientific Reports, 2024,
Bender A., Schmidt H., Wellner D.L., Duda G.N., Brandl C., Damm P.
In vivo load on knee, hip and spine during manual materials handling with two lifting techniques
Journal of Biomechanics, 2024,
The German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (DGOOC) awarded the habilitation thesis of PD Dr.-Ing. Philipp Damm “In vivo friction in total hip joint replecament – the ‘un’known load paramater” on the German Congress of Orthopaedic and Traumatology with the Heinz-Mittelmeier-Forschungspreis 2023.
Zhou S., Bender A., Kutzner I., Dymke J., Maleitzke T., Perka C., Duda G.N., Winkler T., Damm P.
Loading of the hip and knee during swimming – an in vivo load study
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2023, doi: 10.2106/JBJS.23.00218
Heyland M., Deppe D., Reisener M. J., Damm P., Taylor W.R., Reinke S., Duda G.N., Trepczynksi A.
Lower-limg internal loading and potential consequences for fracture healing
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023,
Winkler T., Bell L., Bender A., Trepczynski A., Duda G.N., Baur A.D.J, Damm P.
Periarticular muscle status affects in vivo tibio-femoral joint loads after total knee arthroplasty
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023,
Kneifel P., Moewis P., Damm P., Schütz P., Dymke J., Taylor W.R., Duda G.N., Trepczynski A.
Patellar Tendon Elastic Properties derived from in vivo Loading and Kinematics
Journal of Biomechanics, 2023,
The European Society for Biomechanics (ESB) awarded our publication about the
“Standardized tibio-femoral implant loas and kinematic”
Dreyer M. and Trepczynski A., Nasab S.H.H., Kutzner I., Schütz P., Weisse B., Dymke J., Postolka B., Moewis P., Bergmann G., Duda G.N., Taylor W.R., Damm P. and Smith C.R.
with the M.S. Perren Award 2022.