
Shoulder joint loads measured in vivo

Harti L, Schrednitzki D, Damm P, Halder A
Maximum in-vivo joint contact forces double during active compared to assisted motion in the glenohumeral joint and decline long-term due to rotator cuff pathologies
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery; 2024;

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bender A, Halder A, Beier A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G
In vivo measurement of shoulder joint loads during walking with crutches
Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2012 Aug;27(7):711-8.

Nikooyan AA, Veeger HE, Westerhoff P, Bolsterlee B, Graichen F, Bergmann G, van der Helm FC
An EMG-driven musculoskeletal model of the shoulder
Hum Mov Sci. 2012 Apr;31(2):429-47.

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bender A, Halder A, Beier A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G
Measurement of shoulder joint loads during wheelchair propulsion measured in vivo
Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 26, 982-989, 2011

Bergmann G, Graichen F, Bender A, Rohlmann A, Halder A, Beier A, Westerhoff P
In vivo gleno-humeral joint loads during forward flexion and abduction
Journal of Biomechanics 44, 1543-1552, 2011

Nikooyan AA, van der Helm FC, Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bergmann G, Veeger HE
Comparison of Two Methods for In Vivo Estimation of the Glenohumeral Joint Rotation Center (GH-JRC) of the Patients with Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
PLoS One 6, e18488, 2011

Nikooyan AA, Veeger HEJ, Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bergmann G, van der Helm FC
Validation of the Delft Shoulder and Elbow Model using in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact forces
Journal of Biomechanics 43, 3007-3014, 2010

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bender A, Halder A, Beier A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G
In vivo measurement of shoulder joint loads during activities of daily living
Journal of Biomechanics 42, 1840-1849, 2009

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bender A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G
An instrumented implant for in vivo measurement of contact forces and contact moments in the shoulder joint
Medical Engineering & Physics 31, 207, 2009

Bergmann G, Graichen F, Bender A, Kaab M, Rohlmann A, Westerhoff P
In vivo glenohumeral contact forces-Measurements in the first patient 7 months postoperatively
Journal of Biomechanics 40, 2139-2149, 2007

Selected Abstracts

Bergmann G, Graichen F, Rohlmann A, Bender, A, Westerhoff P, 2006, In vivo loading of a shoulder implant – First postoperative data, Transact 52 Ann M Orthopaedic Res Soc, Chicago/IL, 0285

Bergmann G, Graichen F, Bender A, Dymke J, Rohlmann A, Halder A, Beyer A, Westerhoff P, 2008a, Loading of the Glenohumeral Joint during everyday Life, 16th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lucerne, Switzerland, Journal of Biomechanics, 41(S1) S325

Bergmann G, Graichen F, Halder A, Westerhoff P, 2008b, Belastung des Schultergelenks bei Abduktion und Elevation, 15 Jahreskongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie e V (DVSE), Hannover, Germany, S 68 V 101

Nikooyan A, Veeger HEJ, Helm FCTvd, Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bergmann G, 2008, Comparing Model-Predicted GH-Joint Contact Forces by in-vivo measured Forces, 16th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lucerne, Switzerland, Journal of Biomechanics, 41(S1) S145

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Halder A, Bender A, Dymke J, Beyer A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G, 2007a, In vivo measurement of shoulder joint loads during activities of daily living, XXI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Taipei/Taiwan, 40 S105

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Rohlmann A, Bender, A, Dymke J, Bergmann G, 2007b, Einfluss der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit auf die Belastung des Schultergelenks, Dtsch Kongress für Biomechanik, Köln, 69

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Bender, A, Halder, A, Beier, A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G, 2008a, Themistocles Gluck Preis: In vivo measurement of shoulder joint loads during activities of daily living, Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany,

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Dymke J, Bender A, Rohlmann A, Bergmann G, 2008b, An Instrumented Shoulder Endoprosthesis for Measuring Joint Loads in vivo, 16th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lucerne, Switzerland, Journal of Biomechanics, 41(S1) S447

Westerhoff P, Rohlmann A, Bender A, Graichen F, Bergmann G, 2008d, In vivo Shoulder Joint Forces at Isolated Motions, 16th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lucerne, Switzerland, Journal of Biomechanics, 41(S1) S144

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Rohlmann A, Bender A, Dymke J, 2009a, In vivo Schultergelenkbelastung beim Gehen mit Gehstützen, 6 Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB), Muenster, Germany,

Westerhoff P, Graichen F, Rohlmann A, Bender A, Dymke J, 2009b, In vivo Shoulder Joint Loads during Walking with Crutches, Transact 55 Ann M Orthopaedic Res Soc, Las Vegas/NV