Hip joint force and motion capture data

Data samples of whole 3D body kinematik and synchroneously in vivo measured hip joint loads are now available at the database, for ‘Level Walking’ and ‘One Legged Stance’. The data samples (table) were used in the new publication “Patient-specific musculoskeletal modeling of the hip joint for preoperative planning of total hip arthroplasty: A validation study based on in vivo measurements“.

The data sets contain the following information:

  • in vivo measured hip joint loads
  • whole body kinematics (marker trajectories)
  • ground reaction forces

To select the data go to: Database

  1. Implant: “Hip Joint III
  2. Activity: “Gaitanalysis; Standing; One Legged Stance; Ipsilateralor “Gaitanalysis; Walking; Level Walking
  3. See “Additional Data” for the motion capture files (*_mov)

Alternatively use the “file search” window at the Database (top left side) by using the given file names (table).

Table: File names of availible data sets

Subject One-leg stance Level walking
H1L H1L_060511_1_24 H1L_060511_1_47
H2R H2R_150811_1_24 H2R_150811_2_98
H3L H3L_141111_2_75 H3L_141111_1_28
H4L H4L_270112_1_36 H4L_270112_2_80
H5L H5L_050412_1_37 H5L_050412_1_75
H6R H6R_201112_1_36 H6R_201112_2_107
H7R H7R_191112_1_38 H7R_191112_1_47
H8L H8L_240413_1_36 H8L_240413_1_48
H9L H9L_301013_1_29 H9L_301013_1_62
H10R H10R_300114_1_32 H10R_300114_1_82