Torsional Moment

The torsional moment Mtpr relative to the hip stem reflects the contact load situation between the stem and the bone. Mtpr is derived from forces measured in the implant coordinate system:

where Fypr (in N) is the force in the anterior–posterior directions, Mzpr (in Nm) is moment in the mediolateral direction, and Lxp (in m) is the implant-specific head offset.


Database has become fast now

The Orthoload database has now become much faster. In addition, the data selection options have become more flexible. For example, it is not only possible to select Hip Joint III data for

Activity: Walking; with Crutches; 4 Points

but also for

Activity: Walking; with Crutches (with all data for ‘4 Points’, ‘3 Points; Swing Through’ and ‘on Contralateral Side;’)


Activity: Walking (with all kinds of walking data for Hip Joint III in the database).

Visit our database page to test the new possibilities!





After 16 years of very frequent use of this animated data collection of hip joint forces, an error was detected in the vector diagrams of the contact forces. The x- and y-components had been interchanged. This has now been corrected. We thank Ruchi Chande for her hint to this error!
